Staff and students are not seeing that their pass, even though approved, is not actually active because they are in the waiting line. Both students and teachers are moving fast and the visual clues for being in the waiting line are not diffentiated from a standard active pass.
This is causing students to leave on an inactive pass, and while they are gone their pass begins the 30 sec timer, which they are not present to click to activate… ultimately resulting in the pass dissapearing.
This is a problem because the pass completely dissapears from the system- there is no record or history of it, and teachers are accusing students of some magic trickery to mess with passes. This is creating distrust in the system.
Suggestion = can a pass in the waiting line be given a bright yellow glow around it’s edges to provide a strong visual diffetrentiation?
If they are waiting in line the pass should auto start instead of giving them 30 seconds to create the pass.